Friday, January 28, 2011

Scary times in Japan

Grammy and I were walking thru a park when we got the call that Hannah Lee needed to be picked up from school because of an almost 104 degree temperature! We rushed to get her. She was lethargic, and I had to carry her home. Thank goodness the other Nissan Mom took control and brought me Tylenol and then drove us to a clinic. Hannah was diagnosed with type B influenza and is on a 5 day anti-viral for the first time in her life. It was not surprising because type A and B influenza has been going around the school this week. She is feeling better today. We are very excited for Adam to get home this evening after being apart for 3 1/2 weeks. He had Nissan business in China and Thailand. We will spend this evening and tomorrow with Grammy and Grampy, and then they leave early Monday morning.

Also, yesterday was the biggest volcano eruption in 50 years in Japan! Click on the article below for amazing pictures.


  1. OK...your title freaked me out! So sorry to hear that Hannah Lee is sick. Hopefully, it passes soon. Mine both have the stomach flu now...poor things!
    Glad to hear Adam is back. Tell him I want to see pics from his trip. I hear Thailand is amazing!
    p.s. I have a pair of Hannah Lee's socks.

  2. Poor baby. I know she felt horrible. Our entire house has been sick. Steming from Emma Grace. She was out of school for a week with all sorts of funk. Hope she is feeling better. Use lots of Lysol :)
