Friday, August 13, 2010

Bicycle Tour

Nissan is on vacation this week, so Adam and I had some time to ourselves while Hannah was in school. We got our sea shipment in, and it was great to get our kitchen supplies. Hannah is excited about all her books and toys being back with her. Adam was excited for my massage table to come in. (He got a 2 hour massage today) We were both excited to get season 2 - 5 of "Lost"! Yes, we are addicted to it!

Our friends the Drakes took us on a tour around Yokohama on all our bikes. This is Yamashita Park. This is right next to the ocean, and their are huge boats that you can take tours on.
There are lots of people here on the weekend watching activities happening in the water, and street performers in the park. We saw Buddhist Monks, and artists drawing here.

We saw lots of jellyfish in the canal, and a homeless man surrounded by cardboard laying by the canal.
We had lunch at a 50's American Style Hamburger place. It has old memorabilia hanging all over it, and the best burger ever!


  1. Y'all seem to be having a great time and settling in with few problems. I'm sure you were glad to get your stuff...esp. Adam :)
    Can't believe y'all been there a month now!
    Miss y'all!

  2. I love your bikes you two will have very strong legs when you get home. Be careful on them.
    Love you and miss you so much,
