Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Jet Lag Laxitive

We got a few hours sleep our first night in hotel. We were picked up early the following morning in a car by our landlord and relocation lady. Hannah was thrilled to not have to use a carseat! We arrived at our new home just in time for the movers to unload our new rental furniture for the entire house, except our bed which we will buy from IKEA. Hannah found her magic wand and was "poofing" the moving guys. They played along patiently.
Our next thing to do was let Japan Headquarters know that we are here and planning to stay for one year. We had another assistant to help us with that process. Japan also requires you to open a bank account, whether you use it or not. Hannah was very tired at this point, so I decided to let Adam and assistant take the train to bank by themselves. Adam put us in a taxi and told the driver to take us to our new home. Hannah fell asleep in my lap in minutes, and it was difficult to pay driver and get out of car with high curb, and backpack. Movers were gone by now, so I tryed using my door keys for the first time, with no success. I started to panic which got my bowels worked up from the laxitive that I had taken the night before. I took Hannah to back patio and sat her in our new teak chair. It had arms on it, so I hoped that she would not fall out of it in her deep sleep. I tryed the key on back door with no luck as well. I started scanning our small yard considering where I would squat and relieve myself. In a moment of faith I decided It was not going to go down like this, so I ran to front door to wrestle with the locks. I managed to get in and run through the house to get Hannah from back patio, and the mosquitos were already attacking her.


  1. I figured you'd post something about bowel movements!! LOL I'm glad you didn't have to go outside though!


  2. Thank goodness you didn't have to "cristen" (sp?) you new yard that way. :)
