Thursday, July 15, 2010

Roaches, Beetles, and Octopus..oh my!

As soon as we arrived at our new home, Hannah decided to sit in the dining room floor and draw. A roach immediatly decided to join her. Our landlord grabbed paper and sqaushed the roach in it. I found another roach in our bedroom closet and decided I would be the murderer. Then last night there was one on the kitchen counter. We didn't act fast enough and that one got away. We left out roach motels last night, but no luck yet.
We went to" D2" (like a very small wal-mart) yesterday to look for coffee maker. They have pet beetles for sale. You can choose between larvae stage or full grown. We stopped by the "OK" (grocery store) for basics, and found octopus for sale.


  1. Sounds like you are having fun getting acquainted with Japan. Hopefully the roach problem will go away, it must be some initiation to Japan, Deana was woken up in the middle of the night with a centipede crawling on her face their first week there. House looks great, nice furniture too!

  2. OMG! I can't believe the above told you about a centipede crawling on someone face there! Don't go there. Get that one out of your mind! Sounds like your getting settled in. You're going to see so many different and amazing things. Keep the pictures coming! We are dancing tonight so, I hope to have some new pics for you soon, too. :)
    Yeah, great furniture!
    May have to try that skype thing eventually.
    Y'all take care!
