Sunday, October 31, 2010


Hannah Lee went trick or treating in our neighborhood with some of her school boy friends. She was Ariel the mermaid, and I was Pochohontas the Indian Princess. Since Halloween is mainly an American tradition, the houses were few and far between that participated. We hurried back home to let Hannah Lee hand out candy from our home. They came at a steady pace and in big crowds at a time. Most of the girls costumes seemed to be witches. Some were not dressed up at all, and just had grocery bags to put their candy in. They seemed unsure of what to do when the bucket of candy was offered to them. I would say "take" and they would only take one piece, and say "thank you very much". Most of them would say "Kawaii" to Hannah Lee which means cute in Japanese. Several took photos, and one even wanted a photo with her, and asked her to pose by making her fingers into the peace sign, which she did. We had lots of decorations outside, and Halloween music was really fun!

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh, sounds like ya'll had a great time. Wonder if anyone knew who you were. :)
