Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Lost in Translation

September 28th Adam turned 34 years old. Jaclyn gave me her birthday decorations, so I hung up the sign last night for Adam. I have shortened the saying to Happy B-day, but I have never seen Happy BTH DAY. I checked out the movie theater by our home today, and they have two movies in English this week "Eat, Pray, Love", and "Resident Evil"...except their sign said "eat, PLAY, love and PRESIDENT evil!!! You have to laugh, at least they try!
Adam was happy to have strawberry shortcake for his b-day sweet that I got from the local baker. He came right in the door and started rolling around on the ground with Hannah, and he even did a spontaneous headstand! Thank goodness I still have a "young" guy, even though his Japan medical exam says he is "almost normal", because he is 15 pounds overweight compared to Japan male standard!

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