Saturday, July 17, 2010

Kindness all around

The people here are the most polite in the world. They sincerely want to please you. Our landlord (Wayne-san) has spent countless hours educating us about our surroundings. He has the traditional soft-spoken, relaxing voice of most Japanese people. The kindness extends to the two other Nissan families that are here. Both families live 3 minute walk through a park from our home, and they signed up for 18 month contracts in Japan. The Drakes from Winchester, TN will be heading home in September. They have checked on us daily, and invited us for dinner many times. Their 3 yr old son is in Hannah's class. They also have a 2 yr old daughter. The Sullivan's from Nashville have only been here 4 months, so our stay will overlap with theirs for our 1 year contract. They handed over their coffee maker and a trash can the first night we were here! They also have a 3 yr old son who is in Hannah's class. I feel extremely lucky about this! We all walked to school together on Friday.
Hannah and I explored our neighborhood yesterday morning. There are lots of people walking their dogs at 7am. Most of the dogs have shirts on! Everyone says "Good Morning" in English to us...they must know we are American! (ha ha) Hannah's blond hair gets lots of attention. The older people have stopped in the middle of street crossings to point at it. They smile and I can see them resisting touching it.

1 comment:

  1. The blonde hair will get her TONS of attention over there! As you can see, a blonde really stands out in the crowd...
    The first phrase Avery learned was taught to her by Wayne: "Suwatte ii desu ka?" (soo-wah-tay ee des ka) It means "can I pet your dog?" Kinda loosely translated (as most things are). Anyway, once Avery got brave enough to ask the first person, we couldn't get her to quit asking everyone that passed. She had a hoot with it and the people with their dogs LOVED hearing her try to speak the local language.
