Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sky Garden

Sunday we decided to get the 360 degree view of Yokohama from Sky Garden Tower. The elevator we had to take was the fastest in the world (40 seconds to the top). My ears popped several times. The view was amazing as I sipped my iced mocha latte from the Sky Bar. They had really cool aquariums and gift shops and even artists to draw your caricature up there. When we came down we were let out on the food floor, and had the most wonderful Italian food. The restaurant had red velvet seats, and black/white photos of famous gangster actors. Every place we have eaten gives you a warm, wet cloth to wash up with. By the way, there is absolutely NO TIPPING in Japan. It is forbidden.


  1. How do prices of food, clothes, etc. compare to American prices?

  2. What any adventure you are having everyday!

  3. Prices here are higher on most things. The Yen is worth more than the dollar which makes it seem even higher to us. We bought 3 small burgers, (they came with a few chips), and 2 bottles of Pepsi, and it was $40 at the Boogie Cafe by our home. They do have a 100 Yen Store which compares to our $1 store, and has fun items. Interestingly though alcohol other than beer is much cheaper here!

  4. THATS why the lady on the train refused Celine Dion's husband's tip! ahahahahahaa OKAY. For 5 minutes she bowed and handed it right back to him and he was dumbfounded- he was trying to be nice! It was hilarious but now I get it ;)

  5. I just looked at the picture up close and see that sweet little Hannah is asleep so cute. Was your belly's still at the bottom when you got to the top. Sounds like good food.
    Love, Nana
