Sunday, August 22, 2010


Adam has brought me home fresh flowers 3 times now, who could have guessed that the third time would be in the form of coffee creamer! This is a picture of half the bag, and every single one is different. In fact, I would prefer to have two creamers in my cup, but I have no idea which two flowers to mix?!? I just made two small cups this morning and tryed a violet and a daisy. They were both great. For 5 weeks now I have been buying a small carton of milk thinking it was creamer for my coffee. I just discovered this mistake last week and bought the $5 six ounce carton of Fresh Cream. I ended up not liking it, so I guess the Flowers win! By the way Hana in Japanese means Flower.


  1. That Son of mine is a special wonderful caring man and he loves his beautiful wife very much. He is very proud I know that his girls were willing to go on this adventure with him. What wonderful memories you all will have to share for the rest of your lives. I love the flowers that was a great ideal Son.
    I love you all was wonderful to talk to you this weekend. We still have Hannah's message on the machine it was so sweet.
    Good night my children miss you.
    Love, Mama

  2. Hey all,
    Just got caught up on your blogs again and all your adventures ( well maybe not all of them I'd wager). I love the pictures from the aquarium! I miss you guys tons and tons. I'm sending you lots of love and hugs and crunchy shrimp rolls!! I love you especially Shawna and send you whatever your lovely self desires...
    PS I'm posting a new blog now:)

  3. That's sooooooo cool. Are they flavored with flowers?
    How sweet, Adam bringing you flowers. Give him a thumbs up from me. :)
    And yes, Hannah is a beautiful flower....sweet.
    Can't wait to see what the next posting is.

  4. Ok, after a week of trials I don't think there is any flower essence in it...just the pretty picture on the top.
