Friday, August 13, 2010

Meet UT

This is UT, Hannah's fish. We got him at the festival a week ago. I wanted to wait at least a week to introduce him, because the other fish that Hannah actually caught herself was a black one she named Valentine. He died that night. Hannah had already forgotten about him, so we didn't have to have a funeral for him. She didn't really want the orange fish, so I named him UT. It seemed to be the best name for an orange fish in our home, since Adam checks the UT website every single day! She feeds UT every morning before school, and tells him to have a good day.
Notice the fashionable bandaid on Hannah's ear. She fell off the couch last night and hit her head on the table. It split her earlobe open like someone had cut it with scissors. After we got the bleeding to stop, we put Neosporin on it, and I held the lobe together while Adam put the butterfly bandage on it. We are hoping it will stitch itself back together. She was fine after that, but she was tired today, and asked her teacher for the first time, if she could take a nap.


  1. Papa is so proud that you have UT take good care of him.
    Hannah were sorry you got hurt we had to call this morning when Nana read this I was worried about you. We love you all
    Papa & Nana

  2. Tell Adam she has to get her ears pierced now so the scar will be hidden!! Just joking Adam!
