Saturday, August 21, 2010


We walked to the Sushi restaurant by our home last night. If you look beside Adam you can see the conveyor belt with the sushi on it going around the restaurant. When you see something you like, you take it off and eat it! The different colors of plates tell you how much that sushi is. Adam ate several types of Tuna, and he said it was ok. I had Tuna, and boiled okra rolls. I enjoyed the green tea the most.


  1. Thanks for taking the time to post these little things. It's like we are there with you...well, almost. :)
    Miss you,

  2. I might have to try this when I come over.
    Adam are you sure your face doesn't look so sure.
    Love you Mama

  3. Boiled okra rolls??? Wow...never heard of that one! I've heard about those conveyor belts...pretty cool!

  4. Curtis took me there! The food was a little scary like the sushi corn rolls,I think I ate mostly tuna too, it looked safe. Have you been to the shabu-shabu restaurant yet, that was really good and close to your house.
